Monday, December 15, 2008

Boot Camp Day 18

I did a ton of follow ups today. I mostly got the "I'm too busy, maybe after the holidays." answer. So, I stepped away frustrated and scatter-brained.
I took an hour to just think. and I thought about how I could be a little more pushy with out being pushy.

I have some experience in retail. I worked at a bike shop. And I became very good at finding the right bike for the person who came into my store. Almost all my customers said to me "I'll take this one". Well, this is not retail. And I feel more comfortable when they come to me because they need something. This is a step up from that.
Now I know I'm not selling anything. But I'm still having to go out there and offer something.

So, back to my thinking. How do I close without being too pushy when they tell me they're too busy and they need more time.

Well, I thought what if I said

"I understand you've got no time. I totally hear you. (if they're at home) But we're all hurting for money. And I know you would like to make a little more right? So, what do you say you go over to your computer and just watch the video and I'll call back in about 30 mins. or so?"

I have to admit, it does sound a little pushy now that I'm writing it out, but when I ran it past my wife it sounded pretty good.

So, I went to try it out, and wouldn't you know it, I got all answering machines! I left messages. I can't wait to try this (or a variation of it) out tomorrow!

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