Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Boot Camp Day 46

We are getting pounded with rain today.

The weather is no reflection on my mood however! :-)
I did my follow ups, and got a little postponed. The gentleman I contacted on Facebook has had to move our appointment to Friday.

That's pretty much all I got done today. It's been one thing right after another. And I feel like I'm coming down with something. I think 3rd. shift is taking it's toll.

Only a few more days... I'm gonna make 'em count!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Boot Camp Day 45

Okay, I know I'm off by about 10 days. But I suppose I wasn't counting weekends.

I'm doing well enough for now. I finally got to exchange info with my co-worker this morning. I'll be following up with her as soon as I can.

Speaking of follow ups. I'm not sure why but one of my recent contacts either changed or just plain disconnected their number.

I've been thinking a lot about what Phil was saying about attitudes. I've been working on mine. Instead of complaining, I'm being thankful for my opportunities and therefore more joyful. I think it's effecting those around me too. My work relationships are improving. So, that's awesome.

only 3 more hours and I'm back to work...
Here we go again! lol

Monday, February 9, 2009

Boot Camp Day 43-44

The last week of boot camp is going by WAY too fast!

Today, I was very successful with answering machines once again.
Both with leads and follow ups. I did make one contact tonight on facebook, though! So, I suppose that's good.

My most recent sign up, Sherry, got one sign up under her and in turn that person got a sign up! That's exciting!

Tomorrow, I'm going to make a hard effort to double my efforts. It's doesn't help though when you're wading through answering machines and other things come up from time to time clamouring for your attention. I shall keep pressing on however!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Boot Camp Day 41-42

I apologize for not staying up on my blogging.

As you all know I'm back to work full time, on midnights.
I've been averaging only one hour in which to do my contacting. I've been fortunate enough not to be running into too many answering machines.

I made 2 contacts and I'm optomistic about at least one of them. The gentleman knows the networking industry. So, that's exciting. I think that when he see's the presentation, he'll definitely jump on it!

I follow up with them monday.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Boot Camp Day 40

Wow. 3rd. shift has not been easy to get used to. But I'm getting there.

I'm not getting very good sleep, and I'm averaging an hour for lead calls. I am having some good luck though. I got one lead tonight. The follow ups were all answering machines, so I'll try again tomorrow.

I'm still very tired.... But I'm getting it done....

Monday, February 2, 2009

Boot Camp Day 38-39

The last couple days has been interesting.

I fell behind in the polls for the radio DJ contest. I am now currently 2nd. behind by 50 or so.

I've been called back to work on 3rd shift and I started last night. I'm not doing too hot. The ware and tear of the last couple of days has finally caught up with me.

However, I am committed to finishing this boot camp, and finishing as well as I can without violating my conscience. I only have 1 more week.

I've made 2 contacts tonight. I tell ya, though. If answering machines were contacts, I'd be kicking this thing! lol

Anyway.... Please vote for me and tell your friends. Go to: and cast your vote.