Friday, November 28, 2008

Boot Camp Day 5

WHOA! What a day! I mean, sheesh!

First, I was determined to get my five people today. I have a confession to make however.
After the call this morning, I drove 30mins away and spent an hour and a half wandering around a shopping mall in Midalnd, Mi. trying to work up the courage to just talk to somebody. I was disappointed to find out that I didn't have any. I talked to my wife and she helped me get more confidence. So, I went out once more and talked to a cashier.... I got a no.
I did eventually get my five contacts but I still haven't learned how not to rely on my warm market.
This also was not a very good day for follow-ups. I suppose everyone was out shopping.

Seriously you guys! How in the world do y'all brake through that paralyzing, debilitating fear!

I will make this one of my goals for the next 55 days. I WILL learn how to talk to people!
As you can tell I'm very frustrated and dissapointed with myself.

When a child is learning how to walk they fall 999 times. Yet they get right back up and try again and again and again!
I have a few people just waiting to tell me that this World Changer Mall business doesn't work. Well, I'll take a thousand no's before I take one I told you so!


Elveen West said...

There is no simple way to get over your fear. All of us are in the same boat.I usually start with the tried and true how are you today, when they reply fine and ask me how I'm doing I always say even better if I'm not it''s probably my own fault. Most of the time they laugh and say you are probably right and then go from there.
Suck Up put you fears in your back pocket until you have your quota.
Make it go.
Elveen ( Phillip ) West

Joanne B said...

Fear! Has it ever been a problem for you, holding you back from moving into areas that could enrich your own life and the lives of others? There is a solution.

One of the many benefits available to Christians is freedom from fear. When we avoid making changes or confronting issues in our lives because of fear or dread, we need to remember that God has promised to go before us and bring us through victoriously as we obey Him.

When we’re facing a job interview, for example, instead of being afraid that we’ll make a bad impression and fail to get the position, we need to ask God to prepare the heart and mind of the interviewer and help us present ourselves in the very best light. When God "prepares the way," we can trust that whatever happens will turn out for our good according to His perfect plan for us.
I believe the words fear not simply mean don't run. So the solution to fear is simple: Rather than bowing our knee and giving in to it, we must stand firm against it, knowing that God has gone before us and prepared the way.

This is precisely what God wants us to do. Even if our mouth is dry and our knees are shaking, we need to keep asking God to strengthen us. We need to determine that our lives are not going to be ruled by fear but by the Word of God.

Giving in to fear alters God's best plan for your life. So use the power of God's Word to do what He wants you to do...even if you have to do it afraid! The rewards are great.

Ginny Dye said...

Hi Ed,

I am so proud of you for trying. So you were afraid. Okay. I feel fear of some sort every single day. Courage is not the absence of fear - it is action in the face of it! You don't have to wait until you aren't afraid - you just choose to act in spite of it, letting the action dissolve your fear.

I am also proud of you for eventually getting your 5. So many people would have thrown in the towel and said, "I'll try again tomorrow." You did it TODAY. Congratulations!

And, you're right, people were shopping yesterday. You are putting people in the pipeline. You are completely on course and I'm proud of you!


Tina Katz said...

Hello Ed,
When I strike up a conversation with someone I try and compliment them on something. Most people enjoy talking to someone. Espeacially when you talk about them. You are giving them an amazing oppertunity to not only save and make money, but to be able to make a difference. that is what drives me to not be shy about sharing MPM and Together We Can Change the World and what ever cause I set up. I have several causes that I am tring to raise money for and I am very proud that I am able to do that.So if they don't even want to talk to me, it is their lose not mine and I am not embarrassed or ashamed of what I am tring to accomplish! I talk to everyone I can. BE PROUD! You are a WORLD CHANGER! YOU can do it! Tina from New York